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Teacher Reading Tips: Matching Texts and Readers

In this section, you can�

  • Review the tenets of readability
  • Review the concept of reader/text matching
  • Consider ways to match readers to texts

    A More Comprehensive View of Readability — Reader/Text Match

    Since readability formulas focus on only two text variables, they are of limited use in matching real books with real students. To effectively match a reader with a text, variables within each must be considered.

    Matching the Reader to the Text In Scenario #1, below, an average reader is matched to a text of average difficulty, a highly desirable pairing. In Scenario #2, an unskilled reader is mismatched with a text that is too difficult. The student will be frustrated and the teacher would have to make major modifications. In Scenario #3, a skilled reader is mismatched with an unchallenging text. Although occasionally an acceptable situation, long term growth in reading may be affected.

    Reader/Text Match

    Consider ways to match readers to texts

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