Pathways to Freedom: Maryland and the Underground Railroad
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Were many children enslaved?

Yes, sadly, children were enslaved too. If a child's mother was enslaved, the child was born enslaved. When they were very young, children usually did not have to work. Until the age of about six, they could stay at home and play. Usually an older female would take care of all the young children while their mothers went to work. After about six years of age, enslaved children also had to work. In the fields, they could pick bugs off plants, pull weeds, pick up stones, or gather wood. They could carry water and wood to the house. They could help in the kitchen, the stables, and so on. Most did not get a chance to go to school or learn to read and write.

Black family
Children born to enslaved mothers were also considered enslaved. It was not uncommon for families to be split up and sold to work in different places.

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Did enslaved people live in all parts of Maryland?

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