Pathways to Freedom: Maryland and the Underground Railroad
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What kinds of things did Underground Railroad volunteers do?

Men and women who operated Underground Railroad stations hid enslaved people in their homes, shops, churches, schools, and barns. Conductors drove enslaved people hidden in wagons or coaches to the next station. Some conductors led enslaved people through woods and fields on foot until they could reach a safe house. Some put them on boats that sailed north to freedom. Others put enslaved people on real trains heading north. People figured out very clever ways to smuggle people out of slave states to a place further north. Other volunteers employed escaping enslaved people so they could earn money to finish their journey to Canada. Many people offered clothing, shoes, bedding, and other things that the fugitives needed.

Read about some of the people who worked with the Underground Railroad.

It took the cooperation of many people to arrange successful escapes. There had to be a network of people that stretched all the way from the slave states to the North or to Canada. The conductors and other volunteers all had two things in common. They believed that slavery was very wrong. And they were very brave.

Where did the Underground Railroad go?

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