Pathways to Freedom: Maryland and the Underground Railroad
About the Underground Railroad
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What kind of people worked with the
Underground Railroad?

Many different kinds of people were involved in the Underground Railroad. There were black people and white people, men and women, people from "slave" states and people from "free" states. There were old people and young people. Everybody who worked with the Underground Railroad took a big risk. If they were caught, they risked a serious punishment, even death.

Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman is one of the Underground Railroad’s most famous “conductors.”

It is said that she never lost a single passenger.

Free blacks, whites, and even some enslaved people worked as conductors who helped escaping enslaved people in many different ways. Baltimore's large free black community and free blacks elsewhere provided hiding places for enslaved people who were running away. Many Quakers and other white people helped those who were enslaved because, even though they were white, they believed very strongly that slavery was wrong.

We will never know exactly how many people were involved with the Underground Railroad, because they worked in secret. They had to keep the secret to protect both the escaping enslaved people and themselves.

What kinds of things did Underground Railroad volunteers do?

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